The Balance of Diversity

The human being has always had to deal with diversity and at the same time with the constant search for balance with others.
Anything that is different or unknown has often been at the origin of human fears, which throughout history have also materialised in separation, rejection and sometimes violence.
Fortunately for us, however, at certain crucial moments, the will to understand and accept others has taken over, enriching our multiple Cultures with new horizons that only the understanding of diversity can offer.
Indeed, nothing is more important than diversity and, even if perceived as 'error', it is precisely through it that Life regenerates and renews itself over time. Its absence would quickly lead to immobility, monotony and soon death. In nature, this mechanism continues to perpetrate itself at every single moment, guaranteeing the balance of the Whole that has amazed and fascinated us since the dawn of time. It is a balance that we do not understand but that intimately, if we listen, we can perceive as part of ourselves.
This is not an immediate process: discovering in diversity a source of inspiration, beauty and growth, shunning the fear and bewilderment of the unknown, takes time and a collective effort that does not always succeed in recomposing its opposing manifestations in harmony.
In this ambivalence of diversity, we become the tip of the balance, choosing every day, consciously or not, to curiously want to understand others and thus maintain a sort of balance thanks to our uniqueness.
In the elaboration of the 'MEP Calendar 2024' project, we wanted to address the issue of diversity and the achievement of its balance: we asked ourselves whether Art, a powerful tool for interpreting reality, unites or separates and whether it can suggest an ideal balance, a 'balance of diversity' in fact.
We are convinced that Art and Beauty allow us to grasp and appreciate diversity as a source of inspiration, as a source of ideas that lead to Innovation.
MEP was founded and developed in the evocative setting of the surrounding area where the natural beauty, present everywhere, inspired its founder in wanting to create a business that could generate employment and wealth while respecting this unique human and natural context. Sharing his passion and the strength that work transmits with all our collaborators was its direct consequence. This is pure energy!
The history of MEP since 1974, the date of its first Calendar, has been intertwined with art thanks to the latter and it is precisely with it that MEP wants to continue to dialogue about Diversity with the World.
We would like to be able to think that Beauty, understood in its totality, can act as a link between balance and diversity. The extremes and critical points would ideally come together and, with healthy curiosity, harmony would be achieved.
With the thirteen images that we propose to you this year, we want to suggest our personal contribution to the Beauty of Diversity, making use of the photographic art of Alberto Quoco, with whom we wanted to keep ourselves in balance between the many facets of the shapes and colours of life.
Diversity blends with naturalness as if to merge into a whole that inevitably binds all human beings, all aspects of the World.
Colours and shapes blend together, overcoming all apparent boundaries as if to trace the path of our company and the thinking that has always characterised it.
All this creates for a moment a fantastic state of emotion that cancels out the negativity of the 'thought that divides': prejudice.
Diversity brings change and it is here that the spark of the Future strikes: it is in Diversity that the flow of Time is perceived.
The secret of our success lies in the balance and harmony between the originality of the past, the innovation of the present and the creativity that looks to the Future!
Here the full story