category : MEP Business School

In the “Sociology of catastrophes or disaster”, the American sociologist Enrico L. (Henry) Quarantelli (who was born in New York in 1924 and died in 2017) claims that: “Wherever the situation is worse, people become better”. This theory can undoubtedly represent the truth. Is it being proved? Are we proving it? Within Vito Rotondi, CEO of MEP, this trace is there. And when this feeling is there in those who govern, it means that it can certainly spread to the whole group. In times of crisis and suffering it is right to have a light, hope and a guide. Especially the company people work in can become that guiding light. We need to trust ourselves and others. Today more than yesterday. We are being forced to do so due to this health emergency which is turning into a challenge with ourselves, with the best part of ourselves that simply has to come out. Fortress: it is the ability to react, act and endure. It is the capability we are called to draw on in these difficult days. Each and every one of us, consciously or not, has it. It is time to recognize it and use it, in our everyday life. Especially in those tasks that we are called to perform in ways that are very different than before. Perhaps with greater care and responsibility. The workplace is an area of interdependence, of complicity, of freedom: freedom means sharing. In doing the job we should love, the assumption of social and business responsibility becomes part of each of us. It is time to become aware of this pride of purpose, for our own good, for the common good, for MEP. The enterprise is an arduous, difficult goal: to give birth to it, to govern it, to direct it and to know how to manage it are hard endeavours. This has been done in the last few days, which have been difficult, but challenging. We are all called to do more and to do better, with the responsibility of something beyond our work; an essential value: our future.
We have it in our hands. It depends on us. Today, more than yesterday. These are the fundamental themes involved today: the disciplined coordination of our activities. Gratitude for what we have accomplished and what we can accomplish. Despite the great social difficulties: it is defined as the worst time since the post-war period. Well, we are called to live it. The Information Systems and Management Services are there to help us: to do a job that does not allow uncertainties and rest, to overcome the emergency and once again demonstrate the values of MEP: availability, professionalism, abnegation and respect that we are certain will accertain our daily vocation for excellence. Without meaningless complaints. In the end we will find ourselves more prepared and we will be able to accept even greater challenges. The implementation of Smart Working and the use of IT platforms require growth of awareness of the whole organizational system, on behalf of all of us, towards the performance within our tasks, with great attention to the result and not to the time spent.
Paolo Schneider Savio, Corporate & Business Development Officer; Business Operations Director: “Expressing a feeling, pride and discipline is a means of cohesion and moral duty for those who demonstrate, through a healthy virtue, their desire to embrace the message”.
Christian Leschiutta, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Aftermarket & Spare Parts Director: “Having to do one's job well must be understood as a demonstration of self-esteem, the elevation of one's dignity, for example. Those who overcome the crisis overcome themselves, their limits and their fears; perhaps the real crisis is the one of social values, or not understanding the reason for our existence; the greatest inventions were born in times of crisis and in the darkest moments of human history”.
Andrea Marino Cerrato, Ict & Mgnt Sys. - MBS Director: “In spite of the tragedy that hit the Friuli region in the distant - but still emblematically imprinted in the territory – 1976, the events we are facing seem to belong to a different category of human incidents. That first tragdey was inescapable and quick-destroying, this is veiled and impalpable. We believe our organizations are able to directly intervene to change the outcome of the process that has started, here and now”.
MEP's CEO & Managing Director ,Vito Rotondi: “I thank all the Organization of our Large Industrial Group MEP for the executive tension that we have succeeded to offer our Group, all together, the MEP Business School, the Management Systems, the Supervisory Body Law 231, the HSE Management, HR and Quality, by activating Smart working, Smart-Performance, the Smart-Masterpiece of our Work as well as a targeted and continuous communication model.
We have sanitized the company, equipped each colleague with 10 masks and PPE and passed the verification by the company’s physician in charge on March 18th, 2020.
Our Corporate Governance gave birth to the Operating Behavior and the System of Rules which became a form of Government, the operational functioning of organizational adequacy and absolute common feeling: the "collective unconscious" of C.G. Jung who informs and shapes our collective future becoming “Infraetica”. Professional skepticism is also useful to avoid unproven theorems, presumed angels and good moral agents, in order to activate collective behaviour based on pragmatism, almost a model of ethical existentialism: the rules!
Moreover, at this moment, considering the hypothesis that the resources available in the future will be extremely scarse, we must be thrifty and far-sighted, overcoming fear. All this to emancipate the Company, the Community, the Competitiveness and Profitability of MEP.
We have implemented Corporate Governance with Effective Organization and Management Models to overcome the crisis on the horizon. We have done a lot and we still have a lot to work on together, so that the strength of shared rules will defeat fear and will know how to overcome the utopia of the dream.