MBS interviews #3 - The challenge of the Integrated Health and Environment management System posed by Covid-19
category : MEP Business School

Occupational Health and Safety are pursued through a culture of prevention, created first and foremost through training and information.Workers are not only protected subjects but also active actors: they are aware of the work conditions and the use of safety devices, participating in risk assessment and prevention. Quality manufacturing is increasingly greener, too. MEP is committed to further increasing the circular economy, with the reuse of waste materials and products, and to safeguarding the health of its workers and the environment through the use of low - or zero - impact products. Attention to the safety and well-being of people and the environment has been the fundamental guide in tackling the necessary rules to limit the spread of Covid-19. After rigorously and rationally implementing the Health Practice Protocol, launched nationally on March 14, 2020 and subsequently integrated on April 24, MEP passed with flying colors the inspection of the Healthcare Company in charge during an unplanned visit on May 8th to verify the compliance with the anti-Covid provisions and with the code of conduct to protect workers.
Claudio Miconi, the Group's HSE manager responsible for workplace safety, environmental safety and sustainability.
"We have tried to reduce all the environmental impacts associated with our production cycle to almost zero - he confirms -. Among the possible examples, as far as the painting process is concerned, we went from the use of solvent-based paints to water-based paints; we have implemented a strong differentiation of our waste products, so that we can reuse or recycle it in an increasing percentage, thus strengthening circular economy ".In MEP, security "is an inalienable value”, as stated in our Constitution. It is therefore essential for the company to protect the health of the workers: when entering the work environment, they must feel safe, serene, confident of operating in a healthy environment. “Half of our employees” - continues Miconi – “work in production environments with an always-present inevitable risk, even though it is low. However, we have taken every action there is to reduce them and, wherever possible, eliminate them”. MEP firmly believes that the safety and sustainability of its production chain cannot be fully implemented without the active and conscious involvement of its workers. For this reason, through the MEP Business School, with specific publications and projects, awareness-raising, education, training and a holistic management training for the Safety-Environment system are promoted, both in the professional and personal daily lives of all the collaborators.
Here is the link to the complete video interview: https://youtu.be/wLRs5Y7NCUM