The aim of the course is to educate employees responsible for the design and testing of oleodynamic systems, through personalized and taylor-made teaching, based on MEP's needs, specifically.

Optimized use of the spreadsheet
The most famous program of the most famous office suite is with all probability the most important software in the work environment. That is the reason why so many workers and employees belonging to all organizational levels and functions need to be able to use it proficiently, in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their every-day activities.
This important tool is used extensively not only by professionals to better perform daily tasks, but by employers as well, to support the decision-making processes.

Networking foundation course
To learn how to use and master the new technologies of the so-called Industry 4.0, the machine operator, as well as technicians and testers, need to feel comfortable using network management tools, together with all the device configurations included. Understanding the fundamentals will decrease setting errors, and favour the correct use of devices to share data between remote analysis and control entities.
The covered subjects are essential to all operators who have to interact with peripheral knots of future interconnected machines.

Electrotechnics fundamentals and itemized lists, outlines and product analysis reading
Electrotechnics traces its origins back to the end of the 18th centuy, when the circuit theory was born. More specifically, the exact year of birth is considered to be 1800, when Alessandro Volta showd Joseph Banks, president of the Royal Society, the first electric battery. The discipline has since become pervasive across all industrial processes, and still represents today, at the beginning of the so-called fourth industrial revolution, the foundation of a large variety of applications. Getting to know its fundamentals helps technicians and machine operators better comprehend problems, as well as evaluate performances and define the right solutions.

Learning how to use Linux
The Linux Operating System represents a milestone in the Group's technological development: it has been adopted in work stations and as control and management system in most MEP machines. The deep understanding of its functioning is crucial to pave the way for future technological innovation. The course aims at teaching how to use intermediate and advanced customization techniques of various components of the System as well as getting an in-depth understanding of the most frequently used distributions such as CentOS and Debian.
Contact us to arrange or attend a training course at MEP Business School.